Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga postures are practiced where the body is fully supported by props such as bolsters, blankets, and blocks. Muscle contraction is minimized bringing the body and mind into a state of deep relaxation and rest. Pranayama (breath work) and meditation are also incorporated to integrate the benefits of the physical poses.

Sunday evening Restorative Yoga that will gently prepare you for “Monday.” The class will help you melt away tension and stress that accumulates in everyday life. With the use of props (blankets, pillows, blocks, wall, eye pillows, and bolsters) we will support and pamper the body in various postures. It is through the stabilization of the body that the nervous system will calm and over time generating a more robust immune system. All you do is relax your body. Let your mind slow down. Gravity will then take charge allowing your body to sink deeper into posture triggering the parasympathetic response: relaxation.

You will leave feeling refreshed, renewed, and more centered - a treat for the mind and body! Experienced practitioners and newer yogis alike will benefit from this practice. Suitable for all levels.

, Fairfax, VA 22030